Future Self Journal Prompts – Visualize Your Best Future Today

future self journal promtps

Keeping a future self journal is a great way to stay on track with your goals for your life. Continually focusing on your anticipated growth through this visualization technique will encourage you to take the necessary steps for your growth. Start with a few future self journal prompts to get you on your way.


You will experience confidence as you achieve your goals and evolve into your future self and dream life. 


One way to start and maintain your future self journal is through free writing. That’s simply picking up a pen and just writing about your future self without a prompt or specific topic in mind. 


For those of you who want the prompts, below are a few that might help you get started. Remember, sometimes looking to the future means reflecting on your past and embracing the present– so a few prompts revolve around this concept.


Don’t forget to include how it makes you feel. You want to capture any emotion that you are feeling in your visualization. After every prompt, you can include the question, “how does that make me feel?”


Future Self Journal Prompts With a Focus on the Past to Realize Your Future

  • What do I need to let go of in order to move forward?
  • What is holding me back from truly being present?
  • List out steps to take in order to release me from my past and move on in the direction I choose.
  • What life lessons have I learned in the past that I would like to implement to achieve the future self I desire?
  • Who do I need to forgive and why in order to move on with the life I desire?
  • What have I learned from past mistakes to not repeat as I move forward?
  • How has my childhood shaped who I am and why? Positively? Negatively?
  • If I could repeat one day or event in my past what would it be and why? What was so memorable about it that I would like to emulate it in my future self?


Future Self Journal Prompts With a Focus on the Present

  • Am I present enough in the moment to understand my surroundings and environment to recognize what I want to be surrounded by in the future?
  • Am I present enough in the moment emotionally to understand who I want to be in the future and are there any adjustments I would like to make?
  • Where am I now and what do I like and what do I wish to change?
  • How happy am I at the moment? What brings me joy, wonder, contentment, etc., and why? 
  • What activities do I love and would like to continue in the future? What does that look like?
  • Am I thriving in my current environment? Home, work, relationship, etc.? What would enhance any or all of those for me?
  • Am I financially comfortable and where I want to be? If not, what are my goals and timeline?
  • Do I like where I currently live? Whether it’s a specific dwelling, town, state, or country? If not, where do I want to live and why?
  • What do I continually wish for? Analyze what my wishes and hopes are and list steps on how to achieve them.


Financial Future Self Journal Prompts 

  • What are my financial goals?
  • What is the first ‘big’ purchase I would make if I had the money I desire? 
  • What does my home look like? What is it filled with?
  • What job would I like to do in the future?
  • How many hours does my future self work in order to make the money I desire?
  • What accounts do I need to set up in order to manage my future money?
  • Do I work for myself, with a partner, a corporation, a small business, etc?
  • What does my commute to work, where I meet my financial goals, look like in the future?


Hobbies and Creativity Future Self Journal Prompts

  • What does my future self do with spare time?
  • What activity or hobby do I want to learn in the future?
  • How much time do I spend on my hobbies and activities in the future?
  • What is my future self most passionate about?
  • How does spending time doing something I love make me feel in the future?
  • What does it feel like to imagine my future self doing things that I love?


Family and Friends Future Self Journal Prompts 

  • Who do I spend most of my time with in the future? 
  • When I think of my future self who am I surrounded by? 
  • Where do I spend most of my time with loved ones?
  • What do I look like when I am surrounded by people I love? What am I wearing? What are my facial expressions? What is my body language?
  • What do I do with my family and friends when we are together?
  • Do I vacation with the people closest to me? If yes, where do we go and what do we experience together?


Health-Focused Future Self Journal Prompts 

  • Does my future self exercise regularly? If yes, where do I workout?
  • What are my goals for my future self in relation to health and fitness?
  • What are my favorite nutritious and healthy meals? Who prepares them? Where do I eat them?
  • What activities does my future self like to do? Hiking, biking, nature walks, kayaking, swimming, etc.


This is just the beginning of what you can journal about your future self. Use these prompts as a starting point and continuously build off of them.


Remember, to save your journals. You will really notice your accomplishments as you go back through them and see the progress you have made as your future self comes to fruition.


In the present moment, we are always living what was once our future.


Have fun journaling and all the best to your future self!


Do you have any prompts that have helped you visualize your future self? If yes, feel free to share in the comments below.

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Hey there! I’m Christina, a woman trying to live her best life with purpose and intention. I love hanging out with my family, eating food with natural ingredients, spending time in nature, and snuggling in soft, cozy blankets. 

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Hi, I'm Christina!

Hey there! I’m Christina, a woman trying to live her best life with purpose and intention. I love hanging out with my family, eating food with natural ingredients, spending time in nature, and snuggling in soft, cozy blankets. 

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