How to Create Your Perfect Morning Routine

How to Create Your Morning Routine

Are you the type of person who rolls out of bed, splashes some water on your face, and rushes out the door to work? Maybe these days you’re just putting a fresh top on and working from home in your PJ bottoms all day.

If you are, my guess is your day probably drags a bit, at least until the early afternoon. And that’s because you don’t take time for yourself in the morning.

A killer morning routine can totally change your energy, vibe, and outlook on your day. 

I’ll admit, I was one of those people. For years I slept as late as possible, only to be exhausted for the majority of my day. I remember trying to position myself just right at my desk to hide the fact that I was dozing off. 

It wasn’t until I mastered my morning routine that I realized I was in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion.

Who knew getting up earlier could give you more energy?


Where to Start with Creating Your Morning Routine

Well, to be fair, it’s not just about getting up earlier. It’s really about what you do with that time. 

First off, definitely take it step-by-step. Start with small increments of time to make it more achievable and sustainable. The reality is, if one day you wake up 2 hours earlier, you’re not likely to do that again the following day, and the day after that – making it your new routine.

And if you make it the week with your new schedule, it may all come to a halt once the weekend hits. 

Take this process as slow as you need to, as long as you gradually continue to build your morning routine. 

Some examples of how you can start to implement a morning routine starting with waking up 30 minutes earlier:

  • Go for a brisk 20-minute walk around your neighborhood
  • Find a yoga program online and get in a quick routine – I love Yoga with Adriene on YouTube
  • Get your thoughts down on paper and start your day with journaling – check out my journaling blog posts here
  • Meditate – be careful with this one. When I first started meditating in the morning it was inevitable that I would nod off and end up in a frantic rush to get to work rather than being more relaxed


The Key to Enjoying Your Morning Routine

Your morning routine doesn’t have to look like mine or anyone else’s. I almost want to type that again. And the reason for that is when I first started putting together my morning routine I was trying to emulate the routine of someone I really admired. But her routine was right for her, not for me. 

In order to enjoy your routine, you need to think of what you wish you had more time in the day to do for yourself. I decided I wanted to work out more and delve into the art of meditating. So when I first started setting my alarm a half-hour earlier I brought movement into my morning to get my heart rate pumping. 

For me working out after a long day at work just never happened. Whether it was excuses, I was too tired, or I just had too many things going on, I couldn’t seem to fit it into my day. But I really wanted to. 

Maybe you don’t have time to focus on your hobbies or creativity. So for you, getting up in the morning means you sit in front of a canvas and lose yourself in your art for the start of your day. 

Or maybe you play with your dog – take him outside to play catch and give him the attention you know he loves. 

How about making a healthy lunch for your to bring to work? You may not totally enjoy this at the moment, but you sure will when your lunch break rolls around. 


How to Continue Adding to What You’ve Already Created

You’ll know you’re ready to add to your morning routine when you start noticing the benefits of your first stage. The first 30 minutes are usually the hardest.

The thing is, you are going to really enjoy that time you have for yourself in the morning. And want more of it. You’ll be anxious to add to your morning with something else you feel you don’t have enough time for in the day. 

For me, my morning routine started out with light workouts. And over time I have added almost 3 hours to my routine. Now I start with a green drink, workout, stretch, and meditate. That all happens in the basement gym I created for myself when I first started with my morning routine.

Then I move on to affirmations and journaling. And finally, end my morning routine with a hobby – usually knitting or crocheting.

Over time my alarm that was set at 7:00 am for many years is now set for 4:00 am and I love it! I feel energized, accomplished, and fulfilled. Moreso than ever before. Ensuring that I have time for myself at the start of the day helps me focus on the things I love. 

Yes, my bedtime moved up a bit too, but I am totally fine giving up a tv show or two in the evening knowing what I am getting out of my morning. 


Tidy Up at Night

That brings me to the slight shift my evening needed to take in order for me to master my morning routine. While it wasn’t much, it was necessary. 

I used to always leave the dishes in the sink after dinner to take care of in the morning. After a long day of work and then coming home to make dinner I was always too exhausted to clean up the kitchen at the end of the day. 

But now I do. Waking up and walking into a clean kitchen is worth pushing through the chore at night. I love my morning and I personally don’t want to start it by cleaning and tidying up from the day before. In the beginning, I was a bit lazy with seeing this step through. Well, not anymore. Starting the morning fresh and clean is totally worth it!

Whatever you may let linger to the morning may not be worth the time saved at night anymore. Keep your morning time as your personal time to focus on yourself. I know some of you may think, “but cleaning is my time.” You’re right, it is. But it’s not about your personal growth or focusing inward on what you love. Your morning routine shouldn’t be a chore. 


Time to Create Your Morning Routine

By now you’ve probably had a few thoughts about what you’d like more time for in your day. Come up with a plan to build your morning routine. Have fun with it. Enjoy how your day and attitude shift. Give yourself the time you need for the things you love. I guarantee it’ll change your life. 

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Hey there! I’m Christina, a woman trying to live her best life with purpose and intention. I love hanging out with my family, eating food with natural ingredients, spending time in nature, and snuggling in soft, cozy blankets. 

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Hi, I'm Christina!

Hey there! I’m Christina, a woman trying to live her best life with purpose and intention. I love hanging out with my family, eating food with natural ingredients, spending time in nature, and snuggling in soft, cozy blankets. 

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