Sleep Solutions: 5 Things to Do in Order to Improve Your Sleep Health

sleep solutions

At some point, we all look for sleep solutions. Having good sleep health has such an effect on your day. From your energy levels to mental clarity, your day can be totally off if you don’t get a good night’s sleep.


Implement these five simple tips to start improving your sleep health tonight!


Limit Your Water Intake

On average, it takes approximately 2 hours for water to travel from your stomach through your bladder. So it is ideal to limit your water intake starting 2 hours before your bedtime. If you have an evening routine in place and keep a regular bedtime, then your water intake should stop 2 hours before your bedtime each night. 


By limiting your water intake you reduce the potential need to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 


If you are conscious of your water intake and have a goal for each day to ensure proper hydration, don’t include the 2 hours before you go to bed into the time you need to consume water. 


So, if you go to sleep each night around 10:00 pm, make sure to stop drinking water by 8:00 pm. This way you can go to the bathroom before you go to bed and hopefully make it the entire night through without having to get up.


Stretch Before Bed

Take a few minutes before you go to bed or settle down for the night to stretch. Stretching releases any tightness in your body and will help you be more comfortable throughout the night.


For example, if you have a tight back or sore neck, you can stretch those kinks out before getting into bed so they don’t tighten up even more as you lay in one position while you sleep. When you get uncomfortable throughout the night due to tightness you then wake in order to reposition yourself. 


Your movement throughout the night when you are uncomfortable takes you out of your sleep and you’re aware of the discomfort. 


Stretching, especially if you practice breathing during it, helps calms your mind before bed. When you concentrate on breath work while stretching you gain mental clarity, let your mind rest, and find calm in order to help you fall asleep faster and easier. 


Check out our article on evening stretching for more information.


Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption and how it affects someone’s sleep is different for each person. In general, alcohol tends to help you fall asleep more quickly, but during the night many can experience insomnia. 


There are many studies on the effects of alcohol on sleep quality and there doesn’t seem to be one right answer for everyone when it comes to this. 


Maybe do your own test on yourself if you’re trying to improve your sleep quality and think alcohol may be keeping you awake in the middle of the night. 


No Caffeine After 1:00 PM

Caffeine is a stimulant and if taken too late in the day can result in sleep loss during the night. Caffeine can create a cycle that is hard to break. If you are losing sleep at night due to caffeine you then are more likely to feel sleepy the next day, prompting you to drink more caffeine to stay awake. 


This cycle can compound over time and result in significant sleep loss and even may prohibit you from getting into deeper stages of your sleep cycle. 


Stopping your intake earlier in the day allows time for the effects of caffeine to dissipate and your body can then more easily sleep through the night. 


Protect Against Blue Light

It is hard to not use your phone and other devices for several hours before bed. So consider using blue blockers to reduce the effects of blue light before you go to sleep. 


Blue light stimulates your brain and inhibits the natural cues that the day is coming to an end. The blue light (and often the content you are viewing) keeps your brain engaged, not allowing your body and mind to wind down and prepare for sleep.


Often we are on our phones in bed right up until the moment we decide to go to sleep. This confuses your inner clock and your body isn’t prepared for the night of sleep as it should be.


Sleep Solutions Are Necessary for the Day Ahead

It’s time to break the cycle of sleep deprivation caused by different factors in order to be ready and energized for the day ahead. 


Once the cycle is broken, you will have more control over your sleep health and feel better each day. Feeling those results will help you continue to focus on your sleep solutions and your sleep struggle will likely get easier over time.


What else has worked for you as you try to improve your sleep health? Share in the comments below!

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Hey there! I’m Christina, a woman trying to live her best life with purpose and intention. I love hanging out with my family, eating food with natural ingredients, spending time in nature, and snuggling in soft, cozy blankets. 

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Hi, I'm Christina!

Hey there! I’m Christina, a woman trying to live her best life with purpose and intention. I love hanging out with my family, eating food with natural ingredients, spending time in nature, and snuggling in soft, cozy blankets. 

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